Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dobby Legwarmer #2, almost....

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Just a few inches left on the second legwarmer. It was a lazy day yesterday and I spent a lot of time reading rather than knitting. Normally I could do both, especially with brainless knitting like this. But I was upstairs as I really wasn't interested in listening to Saturday cartoons. I don't have a desk or table in my room to prop my book up on like I do downstairs. So it was a day of alternating reading and knitting.

Glittrgirl has some great autumn photos today.
Jo has some amazing pictures of carved pumpkins! Try carving your own!

Dragon Harper (Dragonriders of Pern) Dragon Harper by Anne McCaffrey

rating: 2 of 5 stars

It was nice to be back on Pern, but something was different. This book was written by Anne and son Todd, but I think either Anne is slipping or Todd did most of the writing. It has the same style, to some degree, but it read more like fanfic than anything else.

The attention to details wasn't there. Words like pencils, paper, and antiperspirant appeared in the story several times. Earlier Pern books were careful of details such as this.

The book was very dependent on the reading knowing Pern, and understanding the culture. If this was someone's first introduction to Pern, nothing would impel further exploration of this fascinating world. As annoying as it is for die hard fans, the new reader must have the details that bring them up to speed so the saga can be understood.

I was disappointed.

View all my reviews.

Here's some great photos of Obama. He certainly has left his mark on American politics. I'm so reminded of John Kennedy... The captions on some of the photos are heartwarming.

1 comment:

  1. Cute legwarmers. I always thought legwarmers were so cool!

    That first picture of Obama is really a nice one!


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