Sunday, February 3, 2008

Socks are done! Sorta....

I've finished up the Waterloose socks as far as I'm going to before taking them to Tennessee and having my DIL try them on. These are the first lace socks I've managed to do and with the amount of time frogging and reknitting I could have made two pair of plain vanilla socks. However, they are pretty, I like Opal sock yarn and I might be persuaded to make them the future....the far future.... And, yes, those are MY Winnie the Pooh flannel sheets and I love them! So there!

And the spinning wheel was whirring again yesterday. I have have a ball of roving to go and this bobbin will be full and I can wind it off, wash and block. While digging through my fiber stash I found two balls of white Rambouillet that I'll spin up, too. Then I'll definitely have enough to make something. What, only God knows.... Maybe EZ's Ribwarmer.... Joansie made one for her daughter last summer and it's been in the back of my mind ever since then. I like to stay warm in the winter, but really hate sleeves. Having short arms, even the ones that fit are still in my way. This might be the answer. Anyway, it'd be fun to knit myself something out of my handspun.

So....what's on my list to knit? I have a couple spring gifts I need to finish up. The chair arm cover for my Oldest Son's wheel chair, and I need to start a Fair Isle hat for Youngest Son. I'm going to take the pattern from these BMP socks and incorporate it into the hat. I should sit down and chart it out today.... And I have my own Mickey Mouse II socks to do..... Decisions, decisions, decisions.... And I need to start thinking about my "on the airplane"project as well as my "while I'm not holding my grandson" project(s)! :)

Turn about is fair play. I awarded Jane at Panhandle Portals the You Make My Day Award. She's tagged me with the a book based game. The Rules: pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more, find page 123, find the first five sentences, post the next three sentences, and then tag five people.

The nearest book is Ghost by Alan Lightman. (Just started it, and haven't formed an opinion except that reading details of the embalming process during lunch was really a bit much.) Here are my three sentences: "We want you to be comfortable, David," she says. "It must be difficult for you being here by yourself. I really don't like traveling alone." And, let's see....who shall I tag? Hmmmmm.... Everyone! Everyone who reads this is tagged! Leave me a comment when you complete the assignment!

Okay, have y'all read about the Demon Mittens that are a portent of the end of the world? Really, some people need a life.

1 comment:

  1. The rib warmer vest is addictive, Lizzie. I've made two now and want to make more. Did you see brooklyntweeds rib warmer vest with I-cord trim? It's gorgeous. I'm thinking of adding the cord to mine. Can't wait to see yours.


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