Wednesday, September 17, 2008

On the home stretch....

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The sides reached the 36 inch mark, so I've started the decreases as you can see on the top and right side of the picture. It shouldn't take long to finish it and today is supposed to be a stay at home day so....

Although I wouldn't exactly say we've had a rush of autumnal weather around here, (mid 60s at night, mid to high 80s in the day) my body clock says it's autumn, so the cooking is lending itself to winter fare. Last night I made beef stew with poppy seed corn muffins. It was so good, even if the evaporative cooler and two fans were blowing in the kitchen to make it habitable! Fortunately there were left over muffins and they are great for breakfast!


  1. Nice blanket. Is your grandaughter scared in this pic? She is wearing her usual beutiful smile.

  2. It's cooled down here also. I almost had to wear long pants this morning!


  3. I think it's the way the light slants or something, but it does indeed feel like autumn. I'm ready for sweaters.


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