Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007

Hat done!!!! almost
Hat done!!!! almost magnify

I got the first hat <--click almost done...well, the knitting is done, but I think I'm going to overdye it with yellow/orange to get a brighter colorway. I tried CO another hat last night but was way more tired than I thought I was cuz I kept messing up the count and the ribbing. So, as I have the day pretty much off today, I'm going to start a pair of socks and another hat. One project will be relegated to the upstairs project world, and one for downstairs. I thought of challenging myself and all of you to make X number of hats but decided instead to the challenge of keeping a hat OTN all the time. Oh, and not to let said hat become a UFO!

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misc 039_edited

This is my youngest daughter and youngest grand daughter. It's not very often we get a picture of my daughter. She's one of those camera shy types.

Well, continuing the saga of the next door kids from Hades.... I talked to the property manager yesterday. She tried to call the mom, but the phone's been disconnected. So she walked over to talk to the kids and told them, "Turn off the water and leave it off." Within five minutes the water was back on and left on all night. Needless to say, I have a swimming pool in my back yard. Under the old ownership, they would have been evicted because of the fire. The new owners say that can't be done but they don't have to renew the contract which is over at the end of May.

It just pisses me off. F was going to come over to trim the citrus trees and he can't now cuz of all the water. And the kids still can't go out and play... We have a nice playground just a few steps outside the front door, but they water the grass mid morning and late afternoon..... so it's wet over there much of the day. I'm really have water problems, aren't I?

Remember, go CO a hat to help Michelle <--click out!

And check this out. Sheep that are 15% human. I can see the long term good in this in theory....but I really want to know what kind of wool they produce! Michelle La asked about blue KA dye colors. This is some angora I dyed and still haven't spun up. It takes the dye much brighter than wool does.


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